We go together like a leek and a Fraggle - written in 10 minutes

Sandi Dittmer wrote this wonderfully energetic piece in our Saturday Prompt of the Week Salon, to the prompt of the Vienna Vegetable Orchestra’s video “Green Days.”


I don't understand you but my heart syncopates with you. We dance. We collide. We struggle. We go together as well as a leek and a Fraggle. The monotonous eternal monotone of the everyday holds us together. You shake. I gargle. Somehow the sounds harmonize as one. Our kitchen sink drama plays out in front of our son. Food slammed in the trash. Hearts bruised. The beat intensifies into a frenzied tempo. I swoop from the kitchen in a storm. Dirty spaghetti dishes sit on the counter shrouded in shame. Distance stretches as time pulls us back together. Forgiveness washes. A kiss sparkles. Our hearts beat on together.


A taxonomy of Chinese ghosts


Arms of earth reach for grace - written in 10 minutes